Give me a break!!!

The other day, I had my usual brush with bad luck, and our new labtop cord stopped working for some reason. This happened right after I posted my story of the River House part 3. So the haunting continues.....

Well, anyways our car broke down too, all the way at Jason's work. That was a ton of fun, spending all day Friday getting it home. Don't you just love it when luck seems to be turning a corner and then something new happens? And most of all, when you have whiny kids at you at the same time?

I love my kids but one thing I can't stand is being hot, stressed, and having a kid whine for something or for nothing, because they aren't getting their way. Give me a break. They know better, why do they think they can get their way by acting like this? I have never caved in for anything. I don't beat them either (maybe I should start), when they crying like a someone ran over their dog, I ask them why, once. And then I try to block it out, but sometimes they get louder and louder, and then start screaming, they hate me, all because I wouldn't buy them a stupid stuffed animal cat! Well, I decided to start getting a little more creative to try to combat these actions. I do of course ground them, and they just get madder and louder, until their voice almost runs out. This week, with all the crap I am already dealing with, my oldest daughter tried to force me to take her to the mall to buy a stuff animal cat, that she doesn't even have the money to buy, plus she has so many of. Her whining, and crying, "My kitten!", over and over, made me want to burn all of the ones she had! But I kept my cool, and I did go to the mall, and went into the very store she wanted to go and asked the store people if it was free, and they told me the price, and then I told her, "even if it was free, and their where a billion of them, I would not allow you to have one, because of the way you acted!" and then we left the mall, with her crying of course, and threatening me, and I made her go into the house while I went to the the store. She was afraid of why I was so quiet. So she thought about doing dishes to make me happy.
Then on Friday, I told Erick, since we are going to Harrisonburg to get the car, that I would just check out what the prices were for a new cable at Circuit City. Jason and I had already to decided that we would try to get the cable through warranty and we had already told him this. We went there and the cheapest cord was $89.00, so I said, "that's what I thought". But Erick was having a cow, that we were leaving the store without it! So for 15 mins. at least, he whaled and cried about not being able to get on the computer, and it was all my fault! Give me a break! Because of his actions, we took them straight home, and Jason and I went out to dinner and to a ballgame all by ourselves!
I am not the meanest mom in the world like they think I am, but a few months ago, Jason and the kids had a fit because I made them beef stew for dinner, instead of buying pizza. I hate cooking but they get what they get, and it really ticked me off! So the whole family bickered and I, well...I, just told them I was sick of it! And I left without saying anything... I decided to go to the movies! I went and saw Vantage Point, all by myself. I really enjoyed it. After the movie, I thought about going for a ice cream, but I called home instead.. I guess they did care, the kids begged me to come home! Maybe, that is what I need to do once in a while, just give myself a break!


Nicole said...

Sometimes I leave too!! Some days the kids do get on my nerves. I haven't done it in a long time. Sometimes I just need to chill out. I cannot always tell them what is going on because it might have to do with their father, court or even finances. They are too young to know everything that is going on. They need to be kids. So as a mom I have to take time just for me. You need to do that too! The kids can go off and do something but they sometimes forget that Mom's need to do that do. Just my few thoughts.