Through the years, I have moved a lot! More than normal, all over this country! I can remember all of my best friends that I would make, that I would try to keep forever, until we just stopped talking to each other and that would be the end.
My first best friend in was in Utah, in kindergarten, Kim. Remember I stole her kitten and broke into her house? That was pretty much the end for that. Then I made another in Wyoming, I would put army ants with black ants together, in a old see through newspaper bag, to watch them fight for fun. We lived in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere! I didn't live there long to remember her name, but she had a bunch of younger siblings and one day when I was at her home, she invited me to go ride with her and her dad to go snowplowing. He snowplowed streets at night and I said okay. I ran back to my home to ask for permission, but didn't go inside, I was afraid they were going to leave me, so I told them I could go anyways and went with them. It was so much fun! But when I came back, the police were at my house, looking for me!
Then in second grade, I lived in some apartments in CA, I had a friend that was a real girly girl, I spent the night with her once and we dressed up and watch the Miss America pageant, it was my first time. We had a bunch of fun together, I can't remember her name either, but she didn't hang around me much in the apartment complex, you see, I was a ring leader of sorts, in which I would gather all of the neighbors and get them to do bad things! Like for fun, I said "Let's go find all of the snails we can and put them in this piece of old newspaper!" So, several kids did, we had so many of them, they would try to escape off of it, so I said hurry! Then we closed the one side of it and I told them we can stomp on it to hear the crunch! I opened it afterwards, some were still alive without their shells. And then we made grasshopper soup (I tried to get the smaller kids to eat it), I pulled all the legs off of them. I did that to dandy long legs for fun too. Then for our biggest endeavor, we put mud pies on everything in the entire playground! I won't even tell you what we did to the slide so no one would go down it! Good Times!
Then back in third grade in WY again, in a different town, at the end of the year, I was sat down with my two friends, Bobbi and Peter, and we were told we had to go back to third grade again because we talked to much, horsed around, and didn't know our times tables! My heart broken because I loved that teacher, Mr. Harmon that looked like Clark Kent! Me and my friends, rode the town together, we would go as far as we could! We would play Bloody Mary too, and scare other kids. We even got to miss recess together, and there were plenty of times that we had our noses against the walls.

Then I moved to Alaska for fourth grade, I had a best friend named Shelly there. She was a good girl. She didn't play hockey, football, soccer, or king of the mountain with me. But we wrote our first book together and we were tight friends. After I moved in the middle of 5th grade, she came to visit me in Salt Lake once. I moved again to Ohio that summer before six grade, and we lost contact! I was really sad.
I lived in Ohio for 6th, 7th and one month of 8th grade. I had two best friends. Samantha and Judy. They would come over and ride my horse, Then I moved to Alaska again, were I met some current friends, Stephanie and Shawnessy. Stephanie was a good influence on me, she was seriously dedicated to her school work. She got me into DECA and she helped me pass my math classes. I loved her family as my own. She knew everybody, and everybody knew her. She later became my maid of honor and we used to see each other once a year, for five years. But we hardly talk but once a year, now. Shawnessy, was nicknamed my shadow by my dad, we had so much fun together, we were a lot alike as far as trouble goes. She introduced me into international music, opera, Paul Simon, REM and Saturday Night Live. We tested how far we can go, and do. We never did or tried drugs! But almost everything else. We still talk time to time, not as often as I would like. She is still a fun person to hang with and know.
I moved to Utah for half of my Junior year, and met right away, Shannon. We really did some crazy things! I can't even say what we all did. We used to wish that she could marry Brian, Jason's relative of the same age, and I marry Jason so we can be related. It came true! But we had a falling out after I got married first. It was sad. After that, we would only see each other for family reunions. She and Brian just recently divorced.
During my senior year, Jason was my best friend, and still is! We have moved a bunch of times since then, and I have only really connected with a couple of people in various wards I have attended. But never to the level of what once was. It's hard to say goodbye to friends, and keep in contact afterwards, so I try not get too attached. I made friends with Kelly in Ohio, we went through some rough times together, but her support was awesome! Then in Utah, we met the Shirley family, we loved their kids! Kristie is like a little sister to me. I loved helping her out with her kids and giving her advice. We played cards, video games and board games together. We cried when we left them back in St. George. And now we are here, and I am happy to say, I am really enjoying the friends that I making here. Enspite of me telling someone that I didn't want to make any, because we would properly move again, that was rude thing for me to say. I have been here for three years now, and I have tried to move away! But I am stuck here, and I am happy, and I really like the friendship that I share with some wonderful ladies here. I have to mention Shawna as being one of them because we have so much in common. We know we aren't perfect, but we don't judge each other either. Except, she is a much better cook and wife than I am! Jason, my husband even mentioned that we ought to do the wife swap thing! (tv show, not for real) Funny huh? I know that I have ranted on but I really wanted to get this out there, so that new friends know where I am coming from. I love sharing my goofy stories and experiences, and this is the best way to do it.


Nicole said...

What an amazing life you have had led so far. I cannot remember all the "best friends" I had in school. It has been a long time since then. My family and I are really glad you are still here. I enjoy talking with you and my kids love yours. I hope you stay for a long time.