Da Dump... Da Dump...DA DUMP!

Okay my title was suppose to be the description of the Jaws theme song, was I even close? Well that is what I am going to confess, my worse fear, sharks, and every thing that lives in the water. The reason why I am mentioning this is because while I was at the pool tonight, I panicked when I noticed a large grey stain on the bottom of the pool! It was in a oval shape, and I raced to the side to get out. I can't stand it, I know it's impossible, my parents have ruined me, because when I was young, they let me watch those horrible movies. Because of it, I couldn't use a toilet that had blue cleaner in it, and I couldn't take a bath that was too deep. I hate seeing the water ripple, I hate looking through water, I hate seeing under water scenes in movies or shows ( though I am getting better at watching it), I hate water beds, I will never scuba dive or snorkel, I hate to swim under water, and I hate looking at large aquariums. And not only because I watched the Jaws movies, but because of a few things that happened to me that made it worse.
For one, when I lived in Fairbanks, in fourth grade, I received swimming lessons in a giant u shaped pool. One end had swallow water, and the other was very dark and deep. One night I dreamt about going to the pool, getting into my end with my friends and then my instructor told us that we were going to go into the deep part with life jackets on for the first time. So in my dream we did, we went to the right side of the deep end and I jumped in first. I started to swim into the center and then a loud ringing bell happened! Suddenly, the instructor yelled, get out of the pool! And on the bottom, there was a huge grate that opened up and a big white shark came out under me and I was on it's back! I woke up and the next morning, on the bus, I told my friend Rhonda what happened exactly in my dream. She was a beginning swimmer too. When we got there, the dream came true! Well not exactly, but it all did to the point that I did jump in first, and held onto the side, then right afterwards a loud bell happened! The instructor told everybody to get out! I couldn't get out fast enough! I then noticed the grate, I was scared to death, and was my friend was too. Then the instructor came back, he said it was a phone call, that made that sound. We hard never heard it before that day.
I have had several bad shark dreams, and I wake up in the night, thinking I am on a raft and a shark might bite my foot off if it is too close to the edge of the bed. When I wasn't much older, we went to Epcot center and I got lost there in the Living Seas. My parents teased me, because I didn't want to go in, and I just sat where I thought I was safe. When everyone ditched me, I went looking for them and I went down a ramp that had aquariums on both sides, I looked at the floor the whole time. When I got to the end, it was nothing but glass, I looked up and saw a sign saying the word shark and then I saw one in the mist of the very blue water coming towards me! I ran and I felt dizzy and shaky, it is awful to be so scared!
Since I have grown a little older, I have tried to over come this fear by watching shark shows, drawing sharks, reading about them, and even going swimming in the ocean, but I don't go more than 3 feet deep. (Great Whites can as low as 3 feet deep) I love looking at whales, from the shore! Once I was with a friend and her dad in his boat, and when I was looking at the water I saw a flash of white near by, I screamed, Michelle seen it too and suddenly the boat tipped a little, we grabbed each other and sat on the floor in the center of the boat. It was a curious orca, that kept on swimming by, so Michelle's dad had decided to take us home.
I hope in the future this will go away, but every time I hear about it on the news, I want to hear more and I get nervous about going back to the beach.


Nicole said...

All you need is the jaws soundtrack playing in the background. I don't like sharks either. The older kids and I swam with them at Disney. It was cool but still a little scary.