I Must Be Getting Old!

I love music, all kinds of music and I am finally getting to the point that some of the new stuff is annoying! I always said and thought, that I would never be stuck in my own times and just listen to my era of music, but I find myself doing just that! I used to love anything that had a good beat, regardless of the words, but now as I drive, I sometimes hear what my kids are singing and it really disturbs me! It makes me mad at myself for letting them listen to that crap! So now I find myself tuning into the modern rock station, in which I love anyways but all of the time. They sometimes have political meaning songs but I don't mind, it's better than singing about "girl's kissing girls and liking it", "beautiful girl you make me suicidal", and tons of other songs that talk about stripping, panties, putting a baby in you, cheating on girlfriends, and being a convict...
It's awful, I thought that the song back in my day of "Oh me so horny" was bad, but these songs have the f word bleeped out quite a lot. I like Justin Timberlake, he's a talented dude, but if you were to listen to his songs on the album, you would realize how many curse words he has in his songs. The B word is not even considered a curse word anymore! It's just plain sad, no wonder kids today grow up so fast, most kids listen to music and idolize the people singing them.

I am really disappointed of Miley Cyrus, she seems to be turning into a younger Brittney Spears. It won't be long, she will ruin herself and take our daughters down with her. (Check out pictures above, from little girl, to star, to messed up, confused teen. It's gets even worse, look up her name on search for images, and you will get really bad photos of herself that she posted on her myspace page. It's so bad, I can not post them on my site!) Who is she, to be important enough to pay a $100 a ticket to see? I wouldn't pay to see her even if the tickets were $20..maybe $10 though. But all this hype about her, is just hype that her management paid for, but yet people buy into it anyways. Viv has one thing Hannah Montana, and that's it. I am not going to buy anymore of her crap. Because in like two years,(may not even that long) she will become either a wash out or a Lindsey Lohan, or both. But nevertheless, I don't want my daughters using her as a example. Just like some are, by getting pregnant and 14 and 15 years old, so they can have a baby like Jamie Lynn Spears.
As for music, it's a battle, but at least I am trying to teach my kids it's not about the tune but about the words. I like some hard rock, and some people automatically assume it's bad, but it isn't unless the words are. Metallca for instance, are very talented, if you ever listen to their words to most of the songs, not that bad either. But it's true, if it does give you a bad feeling, you should not be listening to it. But anyways, I guess I must be getting old!


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Oh, for the good ol' days. I remember when I first started being disgusted with the modern music. My parents told me that day would come. Now, my age is making things even worse on me! My eyes are bad, and glasses aren't helping anymore. I can't seen anything at night anymore, and I'm even having a hard time reading something as simple as the writing on your blog... the dark purple on the dark background shows me just how bad my eyes have become. Oh, well, I guess old age beats the alternative, eh?

dubby said...

Fortunately, the old man in the last comment is deaf enough he doesn't have to listen to it!

Unknown said...

Well said, sista-
We can listen to the music on each other's blogs!