Go Out & Vote!

People in America take so many things for granted. One thing in particular is our right to vote for a new leader of our country. It doesn't take watching Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit, to see some of America's finest citizens in action. We are surrounded by people who are clueless or just lazy when it comes to politics, people in the line, parents at the games, people in our own homes, etc. Do you know what got me teary eyed, a while back when I watching the same old news about the war in the middle east? It was when I saw woman cry because she was allowed to vote for the first time for the President of her country. Besides braving the thought of riots, bomb scares, and prejudice against her, she had dark blue or black ink dyed on her fingers, which she wished she could never wash away. Woman are still treated like second class in some countries, some had never had such a opportunity. Of course I recognize the reason why she was allowed to vote in the first place, and that was because of our own country. It makes me feel proud that we care about others.

I think everybody knows by now that I am a election officer. NO big deal to some, but I take it very seriously! I feel like I am doing my part, to contributing to our country. In which, some people don't seem to really care about their right to vote. They just figure it's all in the delegates hands, or their vote will be canceled out by the friend or spouse who is voting for the opposite candidate. But it's the purpose, the right that we get to do so, that is one of the most important things. What if only a small percentage of people only chose to vote? What if the government realized that, and decided to give the responsibility to only a handful of people who are dedicated to doing it, so they stop wasting all this money on paying election officers , voting supplies, & machines? Don't you think that it would save a ton of money for the government and candidates who spend a ton of money trying to influence your vote? I am sure someone has thought of that and maybe prefer that. Maybe some dictator or party that wants to be in charge. What does that remind you of?

Just go and do it, it's not like it's such a chore, though this election may make you wait a bit, with other people who are just as anxious. That's no different than standing in line at Wal-mart at Christmas time. (or anytime,lol) Just be patient, especially if you come to my precinct. But that's another story for my blog...


Anonymous said...

You have some good points Jennie! I have been chastized! Sometimes I am one of those who just feels like my vote won't matter... however, I usually vote anyway. :) Thanks for your insight!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that first comment was from me... Candice

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

In Belgium, it's against the law NOT to vote. They'll come and take you to jail if you don't vote. Same in the Netherlands. We like to think of those two countries as being so free and open and liberal... but they are both monarchies. Belgium has a king, and the Netherlands has a Queen. And everybody votes. Interesting.