My Black Cats, Spooky and Freighty Part 1 (not a scary story)

It's no secret that in my lifetime I have had a lot of cats. I am not going to name them all. I can safely say, that almost my whole life, I had always owned one.

When I started out I had a obsession for white kittens. Remember I stole it when I was in kindergarten? It was weird, it went to white cats to a black and white, to black ones. Now I have mixed ones.

When I lived in Juneau, we had left our wild cat Kitty behind at the River House. When we were packing the back of the trailer, she had a litter of six kittens, mostly black, somewhere in the back of the truck. The boxes were stacked to the ceiling, and I had to crawl up there, in the extreme heat, and limited space, with a flash light. I found her kittens in the worst spot. I had this Barbie motor home box that I had filled with stuffed animals. It was standing on it's tall side, with of course the box side flap missing. She had them there, and I had to reach down, pushing the toys aside, feeling for kittens! I thought I was going to die of the heat, I pulled out six, hoping that was all. Later I didn't discover any dead ones, but my stuffed animals stunk and were stained with a bloody fluid. I was happy she had them before we left, but I was sad that we couldn't take them with us to Alaska. We had to leave them behind. Good thing, Kitty was a good hunter.

The reason why I told this story is because, later on in the year's, when I moved back to Ohio in 1994, we went back to the River House for a visit. My parent's still owned it, and had no renters at the time. When I was walking around the property, I heard a meow from the woods. I called for it, and two black kittens came out. I wondered if they were related to the kittens we left behind? One kitten was more friendly than the other. I grabbed them both and hid them in my jacket. Jason knew my dad wouldn't be happy about this. We already had a cat with kittens in the barn. They were both males, I named them Spooky and Freighty Cat. Freighty ended up road kill about a year later, and Spooky, well he became the biggest baddest cat around. He had pure muscles, he survived many cat fights, at which would keep us up at night. He even survived getting hit by a car. He used to follow me around when I walked far in the woods. But after I moved, he wasn't happy with me, the last time I saw him, he actually attacked me! When I from Columbus to visit the farm, I couldn't walk anywhere outside without the cats bugging me. In particular, Spooky. As I walked, he started jumping up at me with his claws out! It was quite strange, and I think he wanted me to hold him, or stop walking. But when I tried, he clawed me on the side of my thigh while I was standing! I had to run away from him, while he chased me into the house. I think he was ticked that I chose his son, Salem to live with me. I had Salem for about two years, and then I am not kidding, he disappeared the night we had a bad thunder storm.