The Twilight Cult

Everywhere I go, that is all I have heard for the last couple of months, Twilight this and Team Edward that, etc. in which, I had decided to rebel against, because that is all I heard about. I was totally out of the loop and my friends had already read the fourth book... It's no secret that I rather watch the movie, and that is what I reserved myself to do...I never read any of the Harry Potter books, like everybody else did, and I am not going to start now, doing what every body else is doing. That is not me... So I didn't get their inside jokes about the book, or understand why they would be sooooo obsessed over Twilight! Give me a brake! Besides everything, I made it no secret also, that I am not a reader, in fact I hate to read! I have told people before, I try to read the scriptures, but end up not remembering anything I read, plus, who has the time? I much rather listen to CD's that we have or learn about them in Sunday school. (It's amazing that I have actually learned and remember what was taught thanks mostly to Bro. Fordam!)

Since high school, is the last time I read a book, and it was because a teacher made me. I know, that sounds totally, what's the right words, I guess dumb, whatever..., you know what I mean. I like to write but not read, does that make sense? Well, my first book ever, that I read on my own, (and for a book report) was "Dracula, Go Home!" A stupid book, I bought from the book fare because I liked vampires SO much. I was in third grade, and I reread this book for my other schools and did a book report on it was well, over and over. But now, I can't remember much about it. So when my friends told me it was a book about vampires, I should have been all over it, but I wasn't, it had to do with the whole Twilight Cult thing, I guess. I was afraid to be a part of it.

Then, last week Sabrina brought home a copy of Twilight from her school library. She wouldn't put it down, she even took it to cheer leading practice. She said she was in a race with a friend, to finish it first. I was amazed how glued she was to it. Jason kept on nagging me to read it, then he started reading it himself. So I gave up, I told them I would just wait until they were done. I didn't even look into it...BUT then, less than 24 hours ago, I started reading the hard back copy that Shawna sent home with the girls from church. And I finished it this afternoon!

I know what you are thinking, I must have cheated somehow, I always find a way to cheat. But I can promise you this, I read the whole thing and understood every word! I think there might have been one or two words that I didn't understand, but it was quite simple...I was indeed secretly obsessed with the book too! I even dreamt about it! Of course, this was hard on my body, I am not used to reading so much, I neglected everything, but it didn't matter...The kids were happy I was reading, not watching TV or being on computer, and thank goodness Shawna sent over the over the second book for me to read tonight and tomorrow!

First of all, as I was reading, I couldn't help but be jealous of the writer, Stephanie Meyers. I understood her way of thinking so well, as if I could have wrote it myself. Especially compared to the stories I have wrote in the past, it is the classic, helpless girl, good looking prince charming, but he is dangerous and their love can with stand anything, even if it's the end of her! I love it! I mean, of course at times it was a little annoying that one girl could be so special that every boy wants her, and of course that she is so abnormally accident prone. And the fact after hundreds of years he managed to never have loved before? I find myself almost ruining the story because of my practical way of thinking. He is stalking her, and when he admitted to watching her all night, did he seen her undress? Go to the bathroom? What if she farted, would that smell sweet? What if she was on her period, what drive him mad or gross him out? I mean, come on, things like this I wonder about...

As for what I thought, well I do feel sorry for Mike, and for her Dad, it seems like now, she is owned by Edward, now and forever. Like he has all of the control, mind you, she is just a young girl. I remember being in love at that age, and nothing seemed to matter, not even grades or parents. But in a sense, he is a much older man, in mind too... What in the heck is he doing going after teenagers? Is he hoping to find one as young and innocent, pure as her, so he can change her before she gets tainted, in worldly things, so she would know no other difference, or love any other? I guess he gave her fair warning, and so I guess I will stop questioning every thing. Maybe things will be more clear in the other books. I just hope she sticks to Edward, I am grossed out by the thought of her liking Jacob, mainly because he is as young as my own son. En spite of he only being a little younger, every year counts in the maturity department for teens. I guess my imagination is quite big, and that is what helped me read this book. I think also seeing the actors who are going to play the parts, helped me even further, so that reading the book was like a movie in my mind. It was awesome, thanks to my friends who didn't give up on me. Now we shall see if i read the other books. What am I saying, of course I have to read the other books!


Allen said...
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Shawna said...

Yay! I am so glad you finished it! I knew you would love it. I read the first two in two days. I had to stay up late, but it was worth it. I will get you the third one as soon as I get it back. You are definately right about the whole Jacob thing. For the record...Go TEAM EDWARD!!! The movie comes out Nov. 21, so plan on going with us to see it!

Unknown said...

Good for you! Isn't twilight awesome? Completely addicting! Of course they ARE young adult novels so you could change the ages of the characters to fit where you are, or just imagine yourself as a teenager again! I was afraid I would wake my kids up laughing out loud over your questions about what Edward would think her farts smelled like, etc. I thought the very same things!!!!! You're gonna love the next ones even more!!!

Kristie said...

I caught the whole Twilight bug too and even had Kevin get me Twilight for Mother's day. But then he started reading it when it came. And then moved on to the next one and so on. And I kind of lost interest. With all the kids and the baby on the way, I didn't want to get into something I wasn't going to have time to read. I did read all the Harry Potter books and enjoyed those, but usually devoted way too much time to reading and finishing each one in a couple of days! I think the Harry Potter books were the first ones I actually read all the way through. In high school I used cliffs notes a lot, because I really didn't like to read. Then I started reading the HP series when I was prego with Emma. I am sure I will read the Twilight series. Maybe I can read while I am feeding the baby. But I already know a lot about all the books and even how it ends, because Kevin talks a lot, or should I say complains a lot. He kept complaining that the books were so girlie! But then he would read the next one! He was pretty funny (sometimes) to listen to...carrying on about the "girlie" books. Too funny. Your questions about Edward were so funny!
I am not sure if you have read my blog lately... but I might be having my baby really soon. My doctor is hoping that I can last for a couple of weeks, but we will see. I keep having contractions, despite the medication I am taking to stop or slow them down. I am hoping I can last for a couple of weeks too. I am already dilated to a 2, and that was before all the painful contractions I had yesterday. I will keep you posted. Oh, I did find someone to watch my kids. Sister Harris, our ward nursery leader said she would do it. She is so nice. And it works out great, because my kids know her really well from nursery and they have been to her house before too. And she a couple of kids that are my kids ages and they have fun new toys. So I don't think my kids are even going to notice I am not there at her house with them!