Twilight Cult or Club?


If you haven't read all of the books and intend to, do not read this blog today!

I finished the last book on Friday morning. Hooray! I am just as shocked as you all are! I did not think I was capable of reading one, in 24hrs., let alone 4 huge paged books in the amount of time that I did! To my friends, I must apologize, you are all right! I finished a on Friday morning, and I have been detoxing myself from it, ever since. I did not expect to feel emotional in any way about anything that I read. As some of you know, I think crying is for wimps. I still think so...I didn't shed a tear, but I was close! I was sad at the end of the last book because I get it, I sensed the tone of our basic faith throughout most of the book. Did you too? I also felt sad that it was over, I just read the Midnight Sun book, too but she didn't finish it. Last week at home, while I was reading these books, I have not done the dishes, nor watched Days of Our Lives, ignored phone calls, and have been zombiefied by reading these books. I even have lost some weight too!

Bravo to Stephanie Meyer, how could I even think I could write like her? For a Mormon girl, she certainly has a creative and warped mind! When I read the first book, I thought, ''how sweet, it's a classic love story". Then I quickly read the second book, I noticed that she wrote more about thoughts, than script. Like many others, I wanted Edward back into the pages, as soon as possible! Then I was desperate to get the third book, (my favorite, I think) to find out what happens. I couldn't believe she mentioned the University of Southeast Alaska! If I didn't marry Jason, that is where I would have gone, I loved the campus, surrounded by woods, up high. It would have been a perfect place for vampires to live! I also noticed that the adult content was more appealing to me, than I thought it would be...Then finally of course, the last book, I couldn't even have imagined that it would have happened the way it did. How is it even possible to put all of this in a movie? It would certainly be rated R.

As I read, my jaw would pop open with unbelief. Did yours too? Some jaw popping moments were of course,: Edward leaving, both times Bella was being kissed by Jacob, the night Bella was proposed to, Jacob and her in sleeping bag, Bella's honeymoon, Bella's pregnancy, Edward asking Jacob to make her happy, and of course, Bella's stomach ripping and the whole birth chapter, even being bit by kid....there is no words for this..... That was gripping, I had no idea that was going to happen, but I did figure she would become a vampire.

So kudos to Stephanie Meyer for coming up with something original! I loved the fact that her vampires were not the same as norm. I am also amazed that she was able to write in such detail about the transformation of being a vampire, I really liked that. But of course I do have questions that I can't help but wonder about though, that maybe I missed it and somebody can explain it to me, please...

-Like, I know Bella looked like a super model after her transformation, but it didn't really say if she lost the pregnancy weight, and her skin healed after being torn apart.

-Nor did she have scars now, from Edward biting her all over, or even the baby's bite.

- So I guess the bowels don't work do they? But if they consume blood, where does it go? Even Edward ate something once, where did it go?

-After being transformed did everybody turn out skinny? I know that the Irish vampire was big, but no others.

- Does their hair grow? If they lost it in a battle, would they have to wear a wig?

- Why didn't she write about bella meeting her old friends after her transformation, that would have been interesting..

- I know that old men can produce children, but it stops producing I am sure, if they are dead!

If they can produce that, why not tears? What about spit?

- And finally, if all they wanted to do was to make the Voltri stop and listen to their side of the story, Why didn't they make a video, send a e-mail, or call them to tell them about the kid, before they came? Even a nice letter, and some pictures could have made it there by a month's time.

I do have more questions, but I don't want to over do it. I don't want to destroy the story. Jacob imprinting with their kid grossed me out, but it does leave room for another story. I have a theory too, about reading all those books, in time that I have, and how the story seems to be stuck in my mind still...I wonder if I read the scriptures, with the same passion, until I conquered them...would I be constantly thinking and remembering them as well ? Hmmm, something to ponder, it's not like I can pronounce and understand every word written in them, which always seems to bore me. The scriptures how ever, does have action, love, gore, and horror, as well as feel good could I be bored? I think perhaps my problem all along has been, making the time, and reading it every chance I get until finished. This will be a new goal, but for right now, I guess I am the newest member of the Twilight Cult, I mean Club...I will no doubt do, what all the Twilighters do, but discuss the books non stop, check out the many websites related, watch the trailer over and over, and count the days until the movie comes out.

So are you happy now? Shawna, Lori, and Sarah? I have been touched by these books, Twilight being the first book ever that I have read in my adult years. It will be hard to forget. Okay, enough said, but if you think I am going to wear a Team Edward shirt, or anything of the sort, I would have to be stoned or something.


Shawna said...

I bet we can get you into a TEAM EDWARD t-shirt, we got you to read the books didn't we? I am glad you enjoyed them. I will talk about them to you all day. I remember the feeling after I finished the last one. It took me a couple of days to get back to "normal". So put the date on your calendar - Nov 21. We will have a great girl's night!

Anonymous said...

I can answer some of your questions:

If Edward (or any of the vampires) ate something. they have to spit it up. Edward briefly mentioned this in Midnight Sun when he ate a bite of pizza. Also, Stephenie mentions it here under the date April 16th, 2008:

I also read on an FAQ about the upcoming movie that their hair doesn't grow. So, if it got shaved off, they would have to wear a wig. This site has changed since I last read it and that question and its answer is no longer there (I just remember it). I will still provide the link, even though it no longer answers your question:

This last link also kind of answers your question about vampires having spit. But this following link answers it, as well as other vampire bodily fluids, more thoroughly (under section about how vampire/human pregnancy works):

Jen said...

Wow, thanks Kelly! I didn't think you would be into these sort of books, I guess a lot of people did't expect to have been so interested either. But once you read them, it puts a spell on you, huh? Weird...