Things I Appreciate...

Things I Appreciate That Properly Go Unappreciated...

  • Street Lights, sometimes I hate them, and sometimes I don't.
  • Sidewalks
  • Extra toilet paper in the restrooms
  • Good windshield wipers
  • Manners, such as opening the door or holding it for me
  • The welcome I get when I walk into Food Lion
  • Short to the point prayers
  • A reminder call on the day before a Doctor's Appt.
  • Spam and Pop Up Filters
  • People saying Happy Birthday, on my birthday
  • A waiter or waitress that actually care about their job
  • People who stay to help clean up
  • Coaches that let all kids play
  • People who pick up trash along the roads
  • My brother for giving me Direct TV
  • Scripture Tabs
  • Mile Markers, occasionally I have used them
  • Gas pump shelters that cover your walk to the cashier
  • Clean portal potties
  • Railing where there are steps
  • Missionaries, don't know what you got, until it's gone
  • Friends who call to say hi
  • When a baby smiles at me
  • Free or Cheap ATM's
  • Free Air pumps at gas stations
  • Facebook, it has brought me closer to some old friends and some current ones
  • Kids that do things without having to be asked or told
  • Church programs
  • Coupons
  • People who do their church calling the best they can and don't complain
There are properly a billion things that I could list, but those are just some of the ones I can think of right now. I am sure some people can come up with even better things that I did not list or at least agree with me on some. What would be your list?


dubby said...

nice list - including lots of things I take for granted