Number from Hell?

You know how when you are laying there, you may have the greatest thoughts and realizations? I do, all of the time. Last night I didn't get much sleep, for some reason I was thinking about the numbers in my newest home phone. I laughed and thought no big deal it has three 6's in a row, after all, I did ask for a easy number to remember! So far, this number has been great, nobody must of owned it for a long time because everytime, with out fail, out of all the times I have moved somewhere, I would get calls for someone else, and I hate that! Sometimes the calls would last years! But then, I have just thought about my cell phone number I had gotten last, it too has three 6's in a row! And also, on my knighthood game, a person I stole changed their picture to say the three 6's, but when I play with them, it don't. (it only shows up on my facebook page, I can't imagine what you must think) How come I didn't notice that before? I have had the cell phone number for at least a year too. Weird? Does it mean something? I guess if I want it to. My mother in law believes that everything happens in threes (three sixes?), she is a faithful member, wise old woman and temple worker,I can agree with her. We have been cursed lately, well for the last year, and strangely, I am now recalling that my worst troubles started around the time I received that cell number.!
No joke, I do believe that everything happens for a reason! Even when I don't want it to, or like it. I have had alot of bad luck and it seems to be getting worse. But some good things have come along to counter some of the bad. So am I cursed? I feel that something has been attacking us, and I have been praying, but not like I should. I am not doing all I can to combat this curse, but we are dealing with it, and we remain faithful. Should I change my phone numbers? It would be nuisance, after all it's a miracle Jason can remember them. Maybe I am just being superstitious, I do have a big imagination. I have had some past experiences with the occult, not that I believed in it or anything, but just foolish kid's stuff. Now that I have admitted that, friends please don't avoid me. I am not going to get into this crap, because it brings on a negative energy. I may in future posts, share my ghost stories though! What do you think?


Unknown said...

I would get another number or two...

Shawna said...

I wondered if you had noticed your number. I didn't know your cell number was like that too. Change them!!!

Nicole said...

I would change my number too!! Don't like those numbers either especially together.